
I miss my sneakers, and I can’t find them. God knows where I lost them. Some things in life just get lost! You remember the time you saw them last, used them, but eventually you find out that they are gone. Lost! I was not like this when I was small. But I remember one cute doll which I had, and one day it was lost. There are so many books I can name which have managed to disappear in thin air. And the stickers which I collected as a kid, so many photographs which were sleeping peacefully in the comfort of my drawer, some cassettes, yeah, the special friendship bands….. I wonder how… they just managed to get lost!

And then as I grew older I seemed to have lost the attachment to material things. So things took another level. But now I miss the faith which I lost. The ability to trust people, I lost innocence. I have lost my heart- more than once. I lost good sense. Then I lost my mind. I am a complete loser now.

How I wish I could keep those things. How I wish I could play those lost games, how I wish I could live my lost life again. I want to see those admiring eyes again. I want to speak what I never spoke; I want to walk that path again. I want to drink that coffee. I want to walk on that bridge. I want to chat in the rain. Wait in that shed, travel in that bus. I want to hit that road at 6 again. And jog on the footpath, and cross the road and jump the potholes. I want that peaceful stroll on that noisy road again…But Damn! I can’t find my sneakers. God knows where I lost them!


  1. nice..i hope u find them..out of so many things that are lost, atleast the sneakers will give u a hope that things are not lost forever.. :)

  2. हे...तुझा ब्लॉग समजून घ्यायला आधी मला "स्नीकर" म्हंजी काय असतं भाऊ असं गुगल देवाला विचारावं लागलं (आम्ही आपले साधे सुधे म्हराटी माध्यमातून शिक्शन घेतलेले), पण जेव्हा त्याचा अर्थ समजला तेव्हा आमची छानशी काळी खुलली.. माझी पण लहानपणी छान आवडती कार (खेळण्यातली) होती, शाळेत मिळालेले पुरस्कार होते, खेळताना पडून दोन्ही गुडघ्यांवर एका आठवड्याच्या अंतराने (अभिमानाने) मिरवलेल्या जखमा होत्या, वयात आल्यावर वाढदिवसाला त्या काळी "खास" वाटणाऱ्या व्यक्तीने दिलेली भेटवस्तू होती, कधी काळी कुणासाठी थांबून वाट पाहिलेला बस थांबा होता, पहिल्या पगाराची स्यलरी स्लीप आणि असं बरंच काही....ज्यातलं काही हरवलं, काही मनात अजून आहे आणि काही सहसा दिसणार नाही अश्या ठिकाणी पडलेलं आहे. काय मजा आहे बघ ना, तुझी पोस्ट आणि भाग्यश्री ची ही पोस्ट -
    साधारण एकाच वेळी आलेल्या आहेत. एकंदरीत दोन्हीही मनाच्या हळव्या अवस्थेबद्दल बोलतात..माहित नाही मन असं का असतं. पण ते असचं असतं इतकं मात्र नक्की. मनाच्या कप्प्यातून तरी (निदान) ह्या गोष्टी बाहेर काढायला लावल्याबद्दल मनापासून आभार..:) :)


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