
Showing posts from 2020

The cup story

So I changed my menstrual cup in the office washroom yesterday. Without a mess, without any difficulty. Clean job! I am so excited that I want to share this ‘achievement’ and hence, this post. To those of you who have already made a switch to the menstrual cup, I can feel you congratulating me. Thank you so much! To those of you who haven’t yet made the switch, please make it. If I can do this, ANYONE can! Here are some of my experiences. I ordered the cup almost one year ago. I bought the WOW cup after reading up a lot of reviews online and mostly because a friend was using that brand. Well, honestly, I had difficulties using it because -           I was a beginner -           It is soft silicon so the cup wouldn’t open after it went it. I switched to Boondh cup after 2 months - and the world changed. I’ll talk about the advantages first. -     To me, at number 1 will remain the fact that the periods are now odourless. After all the reinforcements of body positivity an

Three dresses

  Textures and weaves Shapes and stiches, Colours and some magic, They gave it all to me one day. I was to make myself a dress I liked.   I made three.   For the first one, I chose the silver moonlight, Filtered through the perfect leaves of the jasmine tree, casting intricate patterns in sheer and lace of my whole tender flesh. For the accessories, I wore some cool breeze in my hair.   For the second, I chose the rain. There was a little chaos on the windowpane Some tiny droplets wandering about the misty planes. I picked that chaos and draped it Calf length. A minimum accessory look. A touch of mist on the lips is all it took.   For the third, I turned to you. A magical pick. This looks like a pattern of how you behold, Of how your eyes move about my body, But when I wear it, I find myself adorning the stars- Glitter and blush on the velvet of my skin. I’d like to finish the look with a rose Tucked in a lose hair b

My every 'feminist' argument ever

There is a pattern to how this argument goes – invariably always. So I thought of leaving this pattern here- just in case anyone wants to argue. Filter through this first. They’ll ask, “are you a feminist?” or say something like “that’s so ‘feministic’.” Here, the word feminist is pronounced with a certain tone of disgust. If you mean to ask if I advocate the rights of women, if I believe in equality of sexes, yes, I am a feminist. And I think you should be too. If you mean to ask me if I hate men and think women are superior to men, you must use a different word. Perhaps ‘chauvinist’ is a good option. Wrong use of the word feminism shows lack of homework. Also, remember that it is very irresponsible to spread wrong notions. So use your words carefully. Of course, no, I am not a chauvinist. Every time any injustice/atrocity/insults against women are called out on a mass scale, a counter argument of equal injustice/atrocity/insults on men are called out and the women taki