The cup story

So I changed my menstrual cup in the office washroom yesterday. Without a mess, without any difficulty. Clean job! I am so excited that I want to share this ‘achievement’ and hence, this post.

To those of you who have already made a switch to the menstrual cup, I can feel you congratulating me. Thank you so much!

To those of you who haven’t yet made the switch, please make it. If I can do this, ANYONE can!

Here are some of my experiences.

I ordered the cup almost one year ago. I bought the WOW cup after reading up a lot of reviews online and mostly because a friend was using that brand. Well, honestly, I had difficulties using it because

  • -          I was a beginner
  • -          It is soft silicon so the cup wouldn’t open after it went it.

I switched to Boondh cup after 2 months - and the world changed. I’ll talk about the advantages first.

  • -   To me, at number 1 will remain the fact that the periods are now odourless. After all the reinforcements of body positivity and everything, I could never come to terms with the smell of the pads- even when they were unused. If you relate to this, trust me, the cup is a blessing.
  • -    Oh-so-comfortable. You don’t feel any discomfort, and you are done away with checking your clothes before and after every meeting for any spotting. That’s a big relief.  That also means you can sleep peacefully.
  • -     You will be so proud of yourself for contributing less and less to the garbage, and the polluting, mostly non disposable waste that used pads turn into.
  • -     All the money that is saved every month out of your ‘essential’ (or so you thought) budget, can now be spent on your cravings. Yay!


  • -          First of all, you have to be very sure and very much willing to use the cup. That’s how it is in my case.  I realised that it is very difficult to insert anything up there if you don’t want it there. It is very easy to use a cup if you want to use a cup. As simple as that!
  • -     Don’t give up. There are disappointing days and failed attempts. But don’t ever give up on this little blessing. It’s all about a little practice and a lot of mind-game. We grew up thinking that it was normal to carry a pad on your body and do all your work like nobody’s business. Similarly, we’ll also learn that actually, the cup is a better alternative and that its absolutely normal to use a cup like no big deal.
  • -     So much reading material is available online. Do all the research that’s require to convince you. Watch all those videos. This is a good start:

  • -   Follow saritha @wastelesspro and Rajasi @crazy n green menstruator. They share a lot of information on other green menstrual products too. Also, they are always happy to solve your doubts. I am sure there are other bloggers as well, if you know them share the information with me and the world.

So go ahead, it’ll take some time, let it. Give it all the time. Make yourself comfortable. But MAKE THAT SWITCH TO THE CUP. GOOD LUCK!


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