A letter to Yuvraj

pic courtsy: google

A strange tension will fill the air in Vishakhapattanam tomorrow. Hands will clap, girls will cheer their guts out, and people will rise from their seats as India shall get her new hero. Yuvraj Singh comes back from a successful battle against cancer tomorrow to play his first comeback match.

Dear Yuvi,

I remember the day when the news broke out about the dreaded diagnosis. I may not be among the best of your fans, but I remember staring at the paper in disbelief… but we never lost hope. Being the spirited sportsman that you are- you couldn’t lose hope, could you? And then you were in bed (for wrong reasons) and we cried silent tears, you were being treated and we prayed our prayers and you said you’ll be back…. And we cheered!!! What more could we do anyway?

And now, as the day comes close, its not just your heart which is racing. It’s not just your fingers which are crossed. Its not just your throat which feels choked. When you will take to the grounds tomorrow, you will be loaded with expectations. But don’t be burdened, there will be even more prayers and wishes.

Although there are reasons to say you shouldn’t have been selected, I support your spirit of comeback. There are reasons to say your selection to the team was more of an emotional act, not practical… But then that is what matters doesn’t it? The emotions, the passion,the feelings, the spirit, that’s what sports is about!
So however the match is played tomorrow, whatever the result is, you will from now on, remain a winner. A star. An inspiration.

Dear Yuvi, you were, you are and you will always be- A HERO
And my heart goes out to you- to wish you when you will step on the field tomorrow- I am sure you’ll do what you do best- HEROGIRI !!!

pic courtsy: google
P.S.   I wanted to place Lance Armstrong somewhere in this post. But there was no place for him in the letter. But I salute the man. In spite of everything. The man has inspired lakhs of people around the globe to ‘fight it out’. I don’t want to interpret his silence after being stripped of his medals. I don’t want to put him to a truth test. I just take a bow before him. Perhaps he was God’s way of inspiring the last generation. For us it is the likes of Yuvraj Singh and Lisa Ray… perhaps.  


  1. तू म्हणती आहेस ते खरं आहे गीता...त्याची हिरोगिरी कायम चालू राहणार कारण त्याचा "स्व" त्यातच आहे. पण कधीकधी आपण एखाद्याच्या आजारपणामुळे किंवा अडचणींमुळे त्याच्या कमकुवत बाजूंकडे डोळेझाक करू लागतो...युवराज झुंजार आहे ह्याबद्दल शंकाच नाही पण हाच पंजाब दा शेर, फक्त मैदानावारीलच हिरोगीरीमुळे स्मरणात राहिल इतकीच अपेक्षा आहे...कर्करोगाशी झगडून पुनरागमन करणं प्रशंसनीय नक्कीच आहे पण पुढे पाय जमिनीवर राहोत म्हणजे मिळवलं (ditto for भारताची जग्गाजेती १९ वर्षाखालील टीम)..माफ करा पण लवकर हवेत शिरणं हा भारतीयांच्या जनुकीय दोषांपैकी एक आहे...पण तुझ्या युवराज विषयीच्या भावना मी समजू शकतो :) :)

  2. Ani tuzya yuvraj vishayi chya bhavana mi samju shakte! :P
    of course, havet shiraychi badha tyala na hovo hi prarthana ahech. ani maidana baherchi herogiri amchyasarkhya pankyanna chalun jate!!! tya sathi amhi dolezak, durlaksha, deaf ear, blind eye vagaire vaparto kadhi kadhi. (crazy fans!) thanx for the comment


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