
I always wondered why people wrote all those loving messages to dead… why couldn't they express it all while the other person was still alive…but today, here I am, doing the same- perhaps because the logic takes a backseat when emotions take over.

Prof.Kamalakant Parab passed away. Parab sir, as he was commonly known among his students, was (and will always be) the most lovable person known to me.

Sir taught us Hindi in the higher secondary school. He was a delight to the 16-17 year olds who had just crossed a threshold in their academic and personal lives. With those caring words, never fading smile, cheerful laughter and the voice- Oh! That voice! Most of us thought sir sang like Rafi.

I remember the night in our college trip where in one antakshari round I had completely lost my heart to that voice. Those different camp fire songs which he taught us during the NSS camp, that energy and enthusiasm which took over all of us, and the fun we had together!

Sir developed the liking for Hindi language in me. There are a few classes in our lives which are never forgotten. In my heart this one belongs to Parab sir’s class where he taught us Harivanshrai Bacchhan’s poem “nid ka nirmaan fir fir”. Wonderful that the poem is, it is etched in me more because of the way it was taught.

I left AVPM’s Higher Secondary School after 11th standard as we were shifting to Panaji. I clearly remember the day I went to collect my leaving certificate. The certificate was in my hands, but sir was busy talking over the phone (as we would mostly find him) so I waited. Then after a brief chat with him, all I could come up with was eyes full of water and a choked “Sir, I’ll miss you”.
Sir smiled. That same caring smile, those same understanding eyes, and he stroked my head. “ye na athvan yeil tevha!” was all he said. But that hand on my head was so reassuring that I used that memory to feel comfortable sooo many times.

I see myself in the similar situation now. Tearful eyes, and a choked “sir, I’ll miss you”. But no, I miss him even more now… for I know that I’ll never see him again!

Sir you will be fondly remembered… you will live in the hearts of all those who’v had the pleasure of being your students.  Prayers. 


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