Such a Dope

Just sit there,
Let it sink in.
Like, you know how sometimes
a smile, a gaze, a word, a touch,
sets butterflies (or burns) around the whole outside of your skin,
Or like how sometimes
a sight, a smell, or a sound
brings down a crashing flood of memories,
Just sit there,
Let it sink in. 
Those butterflies, burns, floods, they like to seep in slowly,
get under your skin, rush through your existance and touch your soul.
They like to stir in a bit there, (sometimes even whirl)
and create little ripples (or giant waves)
But you sit there
and watch
those little brats sink a living heart into darkness (or bliss).
In any case, 
Just sit there 
and let it sink in.
Because when they are finally gone, 
you will rise with a certain strength.
Only, remember, next time around,
with all that strength,
Just sit there 
and let it sink in!


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