India’s daughter.. and proud (?) of it (!)

Unfortunately i say this with all sarcasm today.

 And i also illogicaly hope that the people whom this is intented at will understand sarcasm. Which people? My fellow countrymen who think banning the documentary will save a girl’s dignity.  parents, who think the dignity is daughter not sleeping with some guy before marriage & Dignified life is ability to endure heartbreaks and emotional pain. My academically very highly qualified friend who wants a virgin wife so that the religious rituals become fruitful. Brothers who think that it is upto the daughter in the family to maintain the “izzat”. All the people in their sweet little shells who choose to conveniently deny the problem than to accept it. Because finding solutions translates as ‘killing egos’.  People who use foul language more than willingly and are proud of it! People who refer to women’s private parts as a “cussword”... hah!!!

Oh.. C’mmon you cowards... accept it! You don’t really care about the dignity. it is just that you cant face that raw crudity which reflects in each one of you.
Frankly, Mukesh Singh’s lines are far from new to me and to you. I have been asked to stay in the house before nightfall. I have been asked to wear “unrevealing clothes”. I have been asked to accept that i am not equivalent of men.. and that i am inferior to them at that!

So common.. accept it!

And also please do accept that it is wrong.

Accept it ... u misunderstand a “woman’s dignity’.
Accept it... that My modesty is more than my body,
 my dignity is more than saving me from rape.
my existence is more than nursing a baby.
 By body is more than my ass and the shape of “hourglass”.
 My mind is more than the stereotyped care... much more than the bitchy nightmare.
i am more than a crown that brings pride, and much more than a cause of disgrace.
I am not a flower that needs any protection. I am not a diamond that needs security.
I demand to be treated as a human being. The kind of human being who is designed to give birth and nurse its own kind.. but a human being nonetheless.
Strip me of my body.. and look inside.. i live there.. a life. A rightful life!

And all the more illogically, i HOPE that its not too much to ask! 


  1. Wonderful.. The way you wrote n spoke for all the women of our country.. Hope it hits the right.. And there is a change in the mindset.. Kudos.. Great going!!

    1. Nicely written..I accept all your points in general as valid.. But we need some time to implement them in life at individual level.. Its going to be tough for a mildymildy conservative person like me.. But eventually we will all get there. May be the upcoming generation.. Let's hope so..


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