A Confession

Many years have passed
and times have changed
There've been ups and downs
and probably we are very different people now
than those who met in rain.

In one such low moment
I look within, and stop at you
With all my heart I confess
that I miss you.

I miss you when
I need someone to talk to
I miss you everytime
I need someone who can understand

I miss you everytime I feel
a vacant endlessness in myself,

When I feel the rain,
when the nights are beautiful,
when music touches my soul,
and when I miss someone who'll share the joy,
I miss you...

And I thank you for
just being there
Doesnt matter whether
you are far or near.

Thanks for adding
beautiful shades to my life...
some defined, some unknown...
But ever since I met you,
my life has a sweet scent of its own.


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