
अहबाब भी ग़ैरोंकी अदा सीख गए है आते है मगर दिल को दुखाने नही आते अहबाब = friends Friends! I have never been vocal about my love towards my friends. That I am generally not vocal about anything I do is another story, but nonetheless! It is the greatest pleasure in life to have a true close friend. I consider myself lucky to have more than one of them. It is some euphoric kind of a feeling to love someone more than yourself and then get it back in turn. It is especially rewarding when people mistake your boyfriend to be your best friend and your best friend to be your boyfriend. It is also nice to have a friend who will rightfully share the negativity with you. Says something about the friendship goals. The say friends share and relieve your pain. Those who have true friends will know that this is not true. Bashir Badr has so very rightly pointed out in the above sher that pain is as much a part of friendship as anything else. And if you don't fe...