The Broken Branch

There is this tree outside my house. Beautiful with freshly grown pinkish- green leaves, always a home to little sparrows, and a forever joy to my eyes. A branch of that tree broke someday. I began to notice it only yesterday. Oh, I hated it so much! How could that stupid dead and black branch ruin the beauty of my beloved tree? doesn’t it realise that it doesn’t belong there anymore? Or does it? The branch triggers a havoc of emotions inside me. Don’t we also behave like that branch sometimes? Forcibly entangling ourselves in places where we don’t belong, holding on to things which should be left? Lets think about this. The beauty lies in the scene when the broken branch falls off. Perhaps the beauty of life lies in letting go of things as much as it lies in gaining them. May be we people also look just as ugly in places where we do not belong. Perhaps cutting off the ropes that tie us to such places and situations is the best thing to do… to add a little touch of bea...