
Showing posts from February, 2012


I had given up on new year resolutions long time back. Because none of them could live longer than 7-8 days.   Also, their short life started affecting my self confidence, and self image.  And what’s the point of making resolutions which will never come in practice, right? Well, now, after 2012 is a month old already, this suddenly occurred to me:  I’v been wondering lately if I am carrying too much of garbage in my mind. Some things that happened in the last year and the way I’v reacted to them are making me feel stuffed! And it’s a sick feeling…by the way. Generally I am not a person who holds grudges against anyone , but here I am- I can name so many people I don’t like, so many places I don’t want to be in, so many situations I wish to avoid…. Goodness, whatever happened to the peace that once lived in here? Why do I keep going back to the things I hate?  Why do I even have so many things to hate? (Now you know what’s “feeling stuffed”) I feel like this ...